**The following was emailed out to friends and family, and posted on Facebook. Spread the word!! Comment in the comments below this post if you'd like more info!**
Hello all!
Lately, I've been thinking a lot of my elementary school days. Mom, Dad, Anne, and I lived in a cul-de-sac in Kennesaw. Every Sunday in the summer, Dad would send me out to knock on the neighbor's doors and invite them outside to play softball at the church field (which was conveniently pretty much our back yard).
He probably only had me knock on 10 doors, but the task seemed meaningful and important and I loved riding my bike and being the 10-year old to ring the doorbell.
I'd spend the Friday evening out in right field while the grown-ups played softball at dusk.
When it came to Spring Ball and Fall Ball for kids, Dad was very supportive when I wanted to play softball growing up... no matter how, er...mediocre that I was.
He was also very supportive of those that worked hard for what they wanted, and might have needed a little help.
So, we've come to the purpose of my email:
I would like to host a softball tournament in memory of Dad (aka, Dave).
Proceeds would go towards kids who can't afford to join their local softball/baseball/football teams.
I've done some research and talked to some people, and have determined that the best time to do this is in October. The field(s) would be in the Kennesaw/Marietta/Smyrna (Georgia) area (depending on size of the tournament, number of teams, and availability of fields when I go to reserve the fields).
For a small fee ($$ TBD), you would pay to be put on a team. You'd get a t-shirt, the bracket, and the knowledge that your money was going to help a kid have a blast on a team they may not know otherwise.
First place gets bragging rights, and hopefully something from a sponsor.
You are receiving this email for one or two or three reasons:
#1 - Are you interested in playing on a co-ed team on a weekend this October?
#2 - Can you help recruit friends? Would you help with advertising and getting the word out? Flyers at church bulletin boards, Facebook shout-outs, etc.
#3 - Do you own or work for a company that would be interested in sponsorship? That entails signs up at the games... sponsoring t-shirts... paying for bottled water for teams the day of... sponsoring the renting of the fields... sponsoring the umps... etc. Do you run a food business and would make snack donations to players that weekend? Do you want to sponsor an ad in a small newspaper like "The Brightside?" Depending on your level of involvement, your logo could be all over the place.
I'm sorry that this email is a bit scattered. It's one of those "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" I can't pick a date or rent a field or two until I know I have interest. That said, I know I can't get serious interest without some sort of game plan.
My goal is to put together 6 teams of 12 players each. Ages 16 and up, males and females. Can't run? Yeah, neither can I. No excuse.
My tentative timeline is as follows:
By the end of February: I'd like to gather names of those who are interested, I'd like to have some commitment from friends on helping to spread the word, and I'd like to have some verbal commitment from potential sponsors.
By the end of April: I'd like to have the date picked and the field(s) reserved.
By the end of Spring: I'd like to have sponsors all set with what's needed, and advertising official, flyers out, and a game plan in place.
By the Summer: I'd like to have applications floating around and being filled out, teams will be created at that point.
Please visit davekrache.blogspot.com for updated info over the next few weeks. Please feel free to share this email/website with friends.
Even something as simple as reposting on social networking sites is appreciated: Remember, that kind of advertising is free, and Dad LOVED "free."
Thanks, everyone!
Allison Krache Giddens
amkgiddens at gmail.com
CC: davekrache.blogspot.com
CC: Facebook
CC: LinkedIn
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